I LOVE lazy days. You know the days when you stay in your comfy clothes, drink a pot of coffee, and snuggle under a blanket all day? Those days are even better when it’s a little cold outside, maybe even raining and when the house is stocked with snacks! I treated myself to one of those days last week. I didn’t worry about the dishes, the laundry, and didn’t even glance at my never ending “To- Do” list. My idea of a comfy, lazy, do nothin’- kinda day still includes feeding, changing diapers, and lots of other things. So, I made sure that I maximized my doing “nothingness” as much as possible. I really enjoyed it and admit that I was pretty good at it.
The next day rolled around and I was tempted to give myself another one of those comfy, lazy, do nothin’- kinda days. I deserved it right? Maybe I did. Maybe I didn’t. After a few minutes of debating what to do, I decided to pass on the comfy, lazy, do nothin’- kinda day and got moving. As I was getting ready for my day, a thought came to me. And, yes… a BLOG was inspired.
How often do we prefer the comfy, lazy, do nothin’ kinda life over the risky, crazy, do all we can do- kinda life? How often do we look forward to the “weekends” and wish the week away? Where our mornings are spent complaining about going into the office and our evenings spent complaining about how much time our ministry has consumed? We daydream about the days where we can sit around, drink coffee, read our devotion, and just be lazy. But that’s not the life we were meant to live. We were created to live extravagantly! You can not experience an abundant life while pursuing the safe, boring, self indulging life that we have convinced ourselves we deserve. Please, don’t get me wrong, I believe we all deserve “me time, family time and vacation time;” but these should serve as moments of refreshing, not become our life’s focus.
The truth is, is that there is much work to be done. And although it sounds good, we can’t accomplish these things being comfy. This extravagant life you desire comes with a price tag. When we ask to be used by God, we will often feel like we are being used. It will cause us to be uncomfortable. We will be stretched. Our faith will be challenged. But our dreams will come true. Our hearts’ desires will come to pass. Our life’s purpose will be lived out.
So drink your coffee on the go, put on your running shoes, and together, let’s live a risky, crazy, do all we can do- kinda life! I.DARE.YOU.
I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful.
-2 Timothy 4:6