There a number of HOT TOPICS that are cycling news stations, newspaper articles, social media and blogs, everywhere. People are standing on opposites sides of a particular subject, proclaiming their ideologies, points of view and endorsing presidential candidates as if they are the next best thing since sliced bread.
It it can be overwhelming, frustrating, and down right upsetting to see strangers spouting off curse words, name calling and even sending death threats to those who don’t think, act or believe the way they do. In the midst of it all, I have seen healthy debate, but that’s been far and few.
The other day, a friend of mine posted a Facebook status, asking a thought provoking question: “Has anyone’s status ever changed anyone’s mind?” I jokingly responded, “only about tacos & doughnuts.” Tacos and doughnuts are high on my “favorite foods” list, so, anytime I try a new place, I’m happy to share it with the world. Some of my recommendations have changed some of my Facebook friends mind, especially when it comes to who does Taco Tuesday the best!
Her post really got me thinking, a lot. Although I don’t believe social media is the only way we as a society/community/etc should have dialogue about issues that are effecting our families/ communities, I do know that in our culture today, it’s where most people spend a lot of their time–it’s how people express themselves, post their weekly workouts and even share articles about how coloring your armpit hair is a new trend. (For those of you who do that, rock on!!)
If you know anything about me, you know that I love Jesus, my husband, my kids, our family, our friends, our church…you know that I am passionate about influencing my world and bringing hope to people who have lost hope. I love seeing people walk in their purpose and their God given destiny…it’s probably one of my favorite things to witness and be a part of. I am not perfect nor do I pretend to be. I don’t believe that I have all the answers or that I am a wealth of knowledge. Although I am a blogger, my grammar game isn’t always perfect–I’m usually blogging, doing laundry, sending e mails and running errands all at once! True Story.
And, although I never set out to change anyone’s mind, I do believe that the truths & real life stories I transparently share on my blog, can help change someone’s heart.
My MO has never been to stand on a soapbox, never has and never will be.
Thanks for being on this journey with me!!
I look forward to chatting with you soon…maybe even about some of these HOT TOPIC items.
