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Sarah Johnson
Aug 6, 20183 min read
To Post or Not to Post… That is the Question
I like social media and in the same breath, I don’t like social media. I like social media because it connects us with the world in an...
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Sarah Johnson
Dec 9, 20172 min read
Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Threaten to Withhold Christmas Gifts from Your Kids
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. A season filled with love, joy and giving. It’s a time to celebrate the birth of our Savior,...
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Sarah Johnson
Dec 1, 20171 min read
Here’s How I’m Celebrating Turning 34!
Hello friends, I am so excited to share with you the next step on this journey! I turn 34 next month and I am celebrating with the...
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Sarah Johnson
Apr 7, 20173 min read
Personal Record
This morning, I ran a personal record, clocking in one mile at 7 minutes and 32 seconds and I’m pretty excited about it! Personal records...
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Sarah Johnson
Mar 31, 20173 min read
We need rest. I know, there’s a lot to do, people to see, places to go–I know all about the never ending piles of laundry, the grocery...
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Sarah Johnson
Mar 3, 20172 min read
This morning while at work, I received a text from my husband stating, ” Bad Dad award goes to…. THIS GUY!” He was talking about himself...
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Sarah Johnson
Jan 11, 20172 min read
Happy New Year!
I love wishing people a Happy New Year even after being a few weeks into the month. There’s something about keeping the reality that it...
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Sarah Johnson
Jan 20, 20163 min read
Do I Get A Reward?
This morning, my three littles and I hustled out the door with backpacks, lunch boxes and waterbottles in tote. As I looked at my babies...
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Sarah Johnson
Oct 8, 20155 min read
3 Years, Baby!
The TimeHop feature on Facebook is pretty cool. Every so often, it shows me where I was a year ago, sometimes, even 5 years ago. This...
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Sarah Johnson
Sep 24, 20154 min read
Comparison SUCKS!
Have you ever participated in that vicious, horrible, defeating game of comparison? You know the one when you attempt to measure your...
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Sarah Johnson
Sep 17, 20153 min read
I have a one and a half year old boy in my home and I think we have already reached the “terrific twos.” If you’ve been my friend long...
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Sarah Johnson
Jun 24, 20154 min read
A Part Of History
Last week, me, myself and I hopped on a plane to Cali! Yes, you read that right, I flew across the country without my husband and three...
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Sarah Johnson
Jun 17, 20152 min read
My children are growing like crazy! It’s like they go to sleep wake up taller, wiser and more independent–It’s a beautiful thing to...
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Sarah Johnson
Jun 11, 20153 min read
Making A Splash Pt.2
Ok, so remember last week, I told you about my girls overcoming their fear of the water? Well, what I didn’t tell you was the part when I...
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Sarah Johnson
May 27, 20152 min read
Yesterday was a day filled with BLOG moments! I think I have enough material to last me an entire year. It was one of those days that...
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Sarah Johnson
Apr 21, 20154 min read
Hey You.
This morning, my 14 month old alarm clock woke me up, bright and early. Most days, I walk over to his room and we begin our day together...
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Sarah Johnson
Apr 3, 20152 min read
My Pace.
The weather has been absolutely divine here in South Florida–especially in the mornings. So today, I decided to take my morning workout...
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Sarah Johnson
Mar 25, 20152 min read
Love Day.
Ever have one of those weeks where you can’t even recall what has taken place? Last week felt like that. We had a lot going on in our...
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Sarah Johnson
Feb 26, 20152 min read
Road Trip.
This past Sunday, I had the honor to speak to my friends at Influence Culture. In my opinion, my husband is one of the best communicators...
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Sarah Johnson
Feb 12, 20153 min read
Mom Married A Prince
Last night, while scrambling eggs for dinner, yes eggs for dinner (don’t you judge), I placed my watch and wedding ring on the counter....
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