It is been a year since BJ and I officially became residents here in Southern California. Last year, this time we were unpacking our boxes, taking care of 3 month old babies, and very much unaware of what the days ahead would hold for our family. We knew two things for sure, that God had lead us to Los Angeles for a season and that through every season He has taken care of us.
Planner. Visionary. Dreamer.
So as unsure as we were about what lied ahead for us we remained certain that we were in the right place at the right time. I am a planner, a visionary and a dreamer so just moving across the country with just enough money to get us there and settled wasn’t enough information for me. Since that is all the details God let us in on, I secretly thought out certain details of our season here in California. Some of them were things I was believing would happen and others were things I assumed would happen. If we are honest with ourselves, I think we all do that right? We start a new job, we meet a new person, we move to a new city, or start a new business and we all have things we are believing will happen and some things we assume will happen. Well this year has proven a lot of things for me. A lot of what I had believed would happen, has happened and all of what I assumed would happen didn’t. Over the past 365 days (366 actually since this year was a leap year) I have learned a lot of things, here are just a few.
1. Obedience is better than sacrifice.
There isn’t always a prize or something spectacular awaiting you on the other side of being obedient to God. Often times, what follows an act of obedience looks nothing like we thought, assumed, or even hoped for. We can quickly become discouraged and even question if what we did was the right thing to do. I have learned that when you choose to obey God we choose to live in the land of uncertainty. After we act in obedience we must not look back, hesitate, or doubt, in time He will prove himself faithful.
2. God’s primary concern is WHO we are becoming.
We have heard it said before that our destiny is not a destination but a journey. This has proven to be so true over the past year of my life. God often uses a change in environment, pace, or geographical location to create a change in us.
3. It’s all about Him.
God continues to put BJ and I in situations where others are unable to say, “Wow, look at you guys.” But instead, they are left saying, “Wow, look at God.” God desires all the credit. He wants the glory. It is in our weaknesses that we are made strong. He doesn’t want us to be able to do it on our own. During this past year He has challenged us to dream bigger dreams that only He could make happen. He has asked us to do things that have made us look absolutely crazy and irresponsible to those around us. It has been in those times where we have felt like we had been set up for failure that He was actually setting us up for a miracle.
Where were you a year ago today? What was your life like? How is it different today? What is one thing you have learned this past year? Please share in the comment box below, I would love to hear from you.
TRUTH: We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps. Proverbs 16:9 NLT
DARE: TRUST God with the details.