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It Always Comes Back.

Writer's picture: Sarah JohnsonSarah Johnson

A few Sunday’s ago, my daughter Kennedi ran out from KidsCulture (our kids ministry at our church) with a princess- themed puzzle in her hands and a giant smile on her face! “Look mom! Look what I got today!” As I took a closer look at the puzzle, I recognized it…this was the same puzzle she and her sister Brooklyn decided to give away a few months ago.

We don’t have this whole parenting thing down by no means, but one thing I want to be said of my family, is that we are generous. Generous in the way we love, give and serve. About three times a year, the kids and I go through our things and get rid of old, tattered or even broken toys/clothes/items we have. We put the unwanted things in the recycling trash. Then, we go around and gather our gently used clothes/toys and items to give away. Then we go around a third time and look for items we like, maybe even still love but want to give away.

The third sweep takes the longest time– not because my girls don’t want to give their things away, but because they encourage each other to give better. When one sees what the other is willing to give away, the other is encouraged to do the same.

This puzzle was a brand new, Disney Princess themed puzzle. And not only was it a puzzle, but this particular puzzle, you could color on it! How cool right? This puzzle was still in its package…hadn’t been opened. If you know my daughter Kennedi, you know that she LOVES princesses–like LOVES them. After scanning the room a few times, she picked this puzzle to give away.

When she placed the puzzle in the bag, she did it with a smile, with no intentions or receiving anything back. In her child like innocence and giant, growing, generous heart, she gave away something that was of great value to her.

When I saw that puzzle in her hands, I had a BLOG moment. What we give away always comes back! It might not come in the same packaging like hers did, but it comes back. You would have thought it was the first time she had ever seen it, from the way she looked at it! It was bigger, brighter and more special than the first time she received it!

Being generous is the most rewarding thing to be a part of. When we open our hands and live a life that remains in a generous posture, we are positioned to receive ALL that God has for us. When we live our lives holding on tightly to the things that matter most to us, we aren’t making our lives available for blessing. And, unlike Goodwill or the Salvation Army, God will take your broken, unwanted, tattered things in your life and make them beautiful. He will take the gently used items and help show you its value for someone else who will be walking through the same thing. He will also receive your most precious items, only to give it right back to you…often times bigger, brighter and more awesome than before.

What are you holding onto tightly? What is God asking you to give away today? What is broken or tattered, that God wants you to place in His hands so that He could make something beautiful?


“Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full–pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.” Luke 6:38

DARE: give. give the broken, the tattered the used and the brand new.


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