I just got off the phone with my grandma Sara. She is my dad’s mother, I call her Mama Sara and my girls call her GG (great grandma) She lights up every time they say her name. She always tells me that I have no idea the love a grandma or a great grandma has for their g-babies and I can honestly say that I really don’t. I thought I knew the depths of a parent’s love for their children until I experienced it first hand with Kennedi and Brooklyn. Nothing like it! I was bringing my grandma up to speed with everything happening in our world. We talked about the BIG move to Miami, the girls and all the emotions I am experiencing as we gear up for a new season!
Great Things. Great Cost.
As we were talking, Mama Sara told me this, “I am so happy for you and know that God is with you, you will experience great times and hard times, but remember, NEVER GIVE UP.” These words jumped out at me and quickly found there way to the very depths of my heart. I have wanted to give up many times on this crazy adventure we have been on, but I am so glad I have never actually quit. I think wanting to quit is a good place to be in. Hear me out for a second. When we are faced with the desire to quit, it really magnifies that what we want to quit is actually worth fighting for. People often say that anything great comes with a fight. Over the past few years I have become a believer in that statement. Great things come with great costs, and we must never give up.
“We won’t remember things that came easy; we’ll remember the things that came hard.”
– Mark Batterson
I don’t know what you have been believing for, fighting for, or standing on, but I want to encourage you today to NEVER GIVE UP. Ever. You might be right in the middle of a fight to see it happen, or you might be feeling discouragement in every direction, don’t quit. When we are faced with hardship, trial and when it doesn’t look promising, what we are believing for becomes more valuable. The things that BJ and I have walked through over the past few years have made what we are walking into so much more meaningful. Without our dream being challenged or tested through hardships, we would not be in position to handle all that comes with “new territory” and I know we would not hold with such frailty.
So, if you want to quit, don’t. If you want to give up, don’t. If you want to throw in the towel, don’t. Ever. Get up and try again, even if you promise to try for one more day. It’s worth it. I promise. What is waiting for you on the other side of your “try” is bigger than your obstacle.
Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.
Here is this week’s TRUTH or DARE.
TRUTH: The HARDER the BETTER. Mark Batterson, “The Circle Maker”
DARE: Try again today.