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Throwback Thursday.

Writer's picture: Sarah JohnsonSarah Johnson

Where were you two years ago? Two years ago, I was writing my very first BLOG post! It was entitled, “Im Sick of People Telling Me It’s Going to Be OK.” BJ and I had just moved to Greensboro, NC to help his parents with their church plant. I was lonely, I was uncertain, I was afraid that God had forgotten about us. We had just taken a big step in our lives and it wasn’t looking like what we had imagined it would. I remember feeling so confused and feeling defeated. Relationships I thought would last a lifetime, ended, people I admired, hurt me and the new season I was excited for quickly became the hardest season of our lives. The only thing keeping a smile on our faces was knowing that we were pregnant with our twin daughters. Hidden within that smile was fear, as we were in our most uncertain financial situation. We didn’t know what God was doing in our lives, we just knew He told us to take a step and trust Him. Here’s a blurb from the BLOG post.

“Over the past few weeks some things have not worked out the way I had imagined they would and there are things that we have had to go through that we have never gone through before. I have cried, I have questioned our decision to move, I have questioned God, and I have asked God why? There are a few people in our lives that have known what we have been going through and it seems as though all they keep telling me is that “everything is going to be ok!” I never realized how much I do not like that phrase until these past few weeks! I think that this phrase gets under my skin because it leaves me feeling helpless and in denial about what my current circumstances are. I guess it makes me feel like I am a drama queen and that I am overreacting to a situation. And maybe I am, but to me I want to know not that my situtation is going to be ok, but that there is purpose for why I am going through what I am going through.”


Don’t you feel the frustration in this? I was frustrated! Mentors and leaders in my life kept telling me that it was going to be OK and that truly frustrated me. I guess I just wanted someone to be frustrated with me. What I didn’t realize, was that they had come to place in their life where it didn’t matter what it looked liked, they were going to believe that it was going to be OK. I had moments where I believed it too, and many moments that I really thought God had forgotten about us. I am so thankful that we didn’t give up, turn back or throw in the towel. These past two years have been one daring step after another. Depending on who is telling the story, these past two years can be described as irresponsible, daring, uncertain, adventurous or down right, crazy! All terms I embrace and absolutely LOVE. These past two years have taught us knew things and have reminded us of things we sometimes quickly forget. It has been two years of choosing to see what we can not see and not allowing what we can not see to prevent us from seeing what we need to see!


A couple of months ago, I felt as though God told me something so significant. He said, “It’s not going to look like the way you imagine it, but it will be everything you have ever hoped it would be.” These past two years have looked NOTHING like the way I imagined they would, but they have truly been EVERYTHING I have ever hoped they would be. These have truly been the greatest years of my life. I am so honored to have shared these two years with each of you. This BLOG has helped me be more comfortable in my own skin and has challenged me to embrace where I am no matter what it looks like. We are seeing what we have believed and dreamed about for years happen, we are walking in what we have prayed about and we are so much stronger, wiser, more dependent on Jesus than we have ever been. As I look back two years, I am certain that just as He has carried us and always taken care of us that He will continue to do it for another two years, and another and another.


No matter what you are facing, no matter what you are going through today, I want to encourage you that everything is going to be OK! It may not look like the way you planned it, but I promise you it will be everything you have ever hoped it would be.

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it.

Here is this week’s TRUTH or DARE.

TRUTH: Everything is going to be OK!

DARE: Believe it!

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